Free Vector Clocks is actually a collection of beautiful clocks that you can place on your desktop. The main advantage of this application is that it offers more customization capabilities than most programs of the same kind.
Although the standard downloadable package offers 51 different clocks and there are even more available from the Internet, you will even be able to build your own clock, if you prefer so. As vector images, the clocks can be object of several modifications without altering their quality. In this regard, it is very easy to modify the clock’s properties because when you move your mouse over the clock, several round buttons become visible. Press one of them according to what you want to do: rotate, flip or resize. Then, just drag the handles to achieve the desired appearance.
In addition to telling the time, these clocks can be set to show the date, day of the week, PM or AM, time digits and other time information. The application also allows you to customize desktop integration by setting several options, such as transparency and Aero Peek. Furthermore, there are several options related to time format, time zone, first day of the week, among others. Finally, you can decide whether to start your clock with Windows or use embedded alarms.
Quite a useful feature not always available in other desktop clocks is that it allows setting an alarm. In this regard, you can set an absolute time or make it relative to the present time. For example, you can either set the alarm to ring at 3:55:34 PM or twenty minutes from now. In addition, you can set the alarm text to show or select any of your sound files to play.
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